So, What is Kefir, Anyway?

Kefir is a fermented food that adds healthy bowel flora to our intestines, stabilizes digestive function, and has an extensive range of other health benefits.  When consumed, these healthy bacteria and yeast have tremendous healing power and benefit the body in many ways.

First, the kefir creates a healthy mucous lining in the colon, which acts as a good medium to support the growth of beneficial bowel flora.  Kefir helps to prevent parasitic infections and cancer, as well as constipation.

Because of kefir’s ability to establish healthy bowel flora, it is beneficial in preventing many gastrointestinal disorders.  Some researchers have found that kefir also exudes bacterial inhibitory factors, which prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.  In this sense, it actually acts as a natural antibiotic.  Some studies show that kefir whey neutralizes most pathogenic bacteria within 24 hours.  Various medical reports suggest that Kefir has been helpful in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, allergies, migraines, gout, rheumatic arthritic conditions, candidiasis, and colitis.  The World Health Organization reported that kefir has been used effectively in the treatment of tuberculosis and typhoid fever.  Additional studies suggest that diarrhea caused by E. coli bacterial in newborn infants has been successfully controlled with kefir.  Other studies show that kefir helps to heal urinary tract infections and even prostate problems.  Kefir may also be important in the alleviation of anxiety.  Interestingly enough, those put on a kefir diet consistently have less anxiety.  This may be because the fermentation process produces high levels of tryptophan, which converts into serotonin in the brain, thus producing a relaxing effect.

Probiotics (Beneficial to Life) Versus Disease

Preliminary research supports probiotics’ potential to prevent or treat many common conditions.

  • Ameliorate vaginal (bacterial and yeast), urinary tract, and bladder infections.
  • Ameliorate inflammatory intestinal disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Ameliorate food allergies and inflammatory allergic conditions such as asthma and eczema.
  • Reduce several risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduce several risk factors for intestinal cancers.
  • Reduce the duration of gastroenteritis and rotavirus-induced diarrhea in infants.
  • Reduce the rate of childhood respiratory infections.
  • Ameliorate microbe-induced traveler’s diarrhea.
  • Help prevent tooth decay.

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