Liquid Candy: Are Sodas Making Our Kids Fatter, and Sicker?

Just one soft drink can’t make that much of a difference, or can it.?

Alarmingly, research has shown that just one soft drink a day gives a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese.

The number of obese children in America is on the rise, increasing over 100 percent since 1980, and tripling sense the 70’s.  American children and teen-agers are heavier than ever and still gaining weight.

There are many worrisome trends that have contributed to the epidemic of childhood obesity.  The increased consumption of fast food, “super sized” portions, less activity and exercise – kids not playing outdoors as much as in the past, more time sitting in front of computers, video games and the TV are all factors.  But we are now finding the increased consumption of sugar, a whopping estimated 34 teaspoons a day, not just from sugary snacks, but increased soft drink consumption, seems to play a critical role.

Over the last 10 years, soft drink consumption has almost doubled among children in the United States. The average American teenager consumes 15 to 20 extra teaspoons of sugar a day just from soda and other sugared drinks.
That’s hundreds of extra calories that aren’t being compensated for by cutting back on eating.  While people tend to eat less at a meal if they have overeaten at a previous meal, they don’t seem to do the same if the extra calories have come from sugary drinks. In addition, the average soft drink has gone from 8 ounces to 24 or even 32 ounces.  That’s the equivalent of 30 packets of table sugar, or 480 calories in just sugar.  These added calories are adding up to added fat on America’s youth.

Additionally, the extra weight they are gaining poses a real health risk, because childhood obesity leads to adult obesity and chronic health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. However, we are now also seeing these weight-related ailments increasingly occur in children.  Alarming numbers of severely overweight children are developing type 2 diabetes — what we used to call adult-onset diabetes — high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, and we are seeing the complications from these at very early ages.

Another often overlooked, but equally important consequence of overweight children is that of low self-esteem.  A child who is heavy is usually teased, ridiculed and shunned, often leading to isolation and depression.  A landmark study of first graders showed that children are more likely to choose as a friend someone with a visible handicap rather than someone who is overweight.

We know by limiting something as simple as the consumption of soft drinks in children, can help prevent obesity. But, the epidemic is the result of many factors. Blaming it on any single thing, including soft drinks, would be nutritional nonsense.  So what is the solution?  First, parents need to look at every aspect of their child’s lifestyle – including food habits and choices, as well as activity level.  Parents need to be the role models — both in activity and food and drink choices. How can we expect our kids to adopt healthy, active lifestyles if we sit on the couch watching TV, eating pizza and drinking soda?

Make better choices
We need to look at what kids are eating and drinking at home and at school, including what they get from vending machines, concession stands and convenience stores.  Children need adequate calories to grow, and healthy snacks are a good way to reach those caloric needs.

What about water? Avoid soft drinks and other sugar-laden beverages. Kids don’t drink or even have a taste for water because they are so used to highly sweetened drinks.  Water is essential for proper hydration, metabolism and brain function.

Read food labels for indications on sugar content. If the word sugar, sucrose, glucose, maltose, dextrose, lactose, fructose, honey, or syrup appears first or in the top three ingredients, then the food contains a large amount of sugar. Also look to see how many different sugars are listed — they can add up to be several in one product.

Choose high protein, low sugar snacks and offer alternatives without processed sugars, such as fresh fruit, yogurt, soy nuts, or a sandwich made with whole grain bread, natural peanut butter and sugar free jelly.

Get moving! Make a commitment to promoting exercise and fitness for the entire family.  Parents should initiate activities for everyone to take part in, such as bike riding, roller blading or even walking the dog.  These activities are not only beneficial for the health of parents and children, but also for their relationship.

So, What is Kefir, Anyway?

Kefir is a fermented food that adds healthy bowel flora to our intestines, stabilizes digestive function, and has an extensive range of other health benefits.  When consumed, these healthy bacteria and yeast have tremendous healing power and benefit the body in many ways.

First, the kefir creates a healthy mucous lining in the colon, which acts as a good medium to support the growth of beneficial bowel flora.  Kefir helps to prevent parasitic infections and cancer, as well as constipation.

Because of kefir’s ability to establish healthy bowel flora, it is beneficial in preventing many gastrointestinal disorders.  Some researchers have found that kefir also exudes bacterial inhibitory factors, which prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.  In this sense, it actually acts as a natural antibiotic.  Some studies show that kefir whey neutralizes most pathogenic bacteria within 24 hours.  Various medical reports suggest that Kefir has been helpful in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, allergies, migraines, gout, rheumatic arthritic conditions, candidiasis, and colitis.  The World Health Organization reported that kefir has been used effectively in the treatment of tuberculosis and typhoid fever.  Additional studies suggest that diarrhea caused by E. coli bacterial in newborn infants has been successfully controlled with kefir.  Other studies show that kefir helps to heal urinary tract infections and even prostate problems.  Kefir may also be important in the alleviation of anxiety.  Interestingly enough, those put on a kefir diet consistently have less anxiety.  This may be because the fermentation process produces high levels of tryptophan, which converts into serotonin in the brain, thus producing a relaxing effect.

Probiotics (Beneficial to Life) Versus Disease

Preliminary research supports probiotics’ potential to prevent or treat many common conditions.

  • Ameliorate vaginal (bacterial and yeast), urinary tract, and bladder infections.
  • Ameliorate inflammatory intestinal disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Ameliorate food allergies and inflammatory allergic conditions such as asthma and eczema.
  • Reduce several risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Reduce several risk factors for intestinal cancers.
  • Reduce the duration of gastroenteritis and rotavirus-induced diarrhea in infants.
  • Reduce the rate of childhood respiratory infections.
  • Ameliorate microbe-induced traveler’s diarrhea.
  • Help prevent tooth decay.

Just Say Soy

Never before has eating one simple food held so much promise for health. Soy has been shown to reduce symptoms of menopause and PMS, protect against breast, prostate, and colon cancer, build bone and prevent osteoporosis, regulate blood sugar levels, protect against heart disease and Alzheimer’s, and lower cholesterol levels.  In fact, the FDA has recently given the green light for soy food manufacturers to tout soy’s heart healthy benefits right on the label with the American Heart Association’s seal of approval.

Who would have imagined so much disease fighting power could be packed into one tiny pod?

For centuries, the Chinese and Japanese have enjoyed soybeans as a staple in their diet, providing an excellent source of protein. What’s interesting is that in these Asian cultures, we see lower incidences of breast cancer as well as PMS and menopausal symptoms in women, lower incidences of prostate cancer in men, and lower incidences of Alzheimer’s, even though the typical Asian lifespan is longer than that of ours in the United States.  Research has now attributed these lower rates of chronic illness, in part, to their particularly high dietary consumption of soy.

So what gives soy such great healing power?

Soy is the only common food source of a class of plant hormones, or phytoestrogens, known as isoflavones, which appear to offer protection against a variety of ailments. It is these isoflavones, Genistein and Diadzein, that have been the focus of more and more research with quite beneficial findings.

Ease Menopause and PMS

Soy is what is known as an “adaptogenic” – the phytoestrogens in soy can have an estrogen like effect if your estrogen levels are low, and will actually bind to estrogen receptor sites and block estrogen if levels are too high.  For this reason, soy is a great natural way to balance hormone levels and can be used as a safe alternative to hormone replacement therapy, offering most of the benefits, without the risks or side effects.  Research has confirmed that soy protein as a regular part of the diet can relieve many of the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of libido, anxiety, headaches and insomnia.  For these same reasons, soy is able to relieve similar symptoms associated with PMS as well as help regulate periods.

Prevent Cancer

Studies have also shown that the phytoestrogens in soy can sharply reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer with their estrogen blocking effects, particularly cancer causing environmental estrogens known as xenoestrogens.   Soy is the only food source that is a powerful antioxidant and offers many anticancer compounds that inhibit tumor growth.

Build Bone

Soy consumption also helps bones and offers protection against osteoporosis. Soy not only helps prevent bone loss, but also has been shown to actually build bone – a benefit HRT cannot offer.  Additionally, many soy products contain calcium – another boost for your bones, and when you eat soy protein rather than animal protein, your body excretes less calcium. Quite a case for the bone building benefits of soy!

Also, ipriflavone, a derivative of the soy isoflavone diadzein, has been shown in numerous studies to increase bone density and prevent further bone loss.

Cardiovascular Health

Perhaps the biggest claim to fame for soy is its ability to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.  Soy has also been shown to have a beneficial effect on blood vessel reactivity, which may be why it is helpful with migraine headaches.  The fiber, isoflavones and antioxidants in soy all provide wonderful cardiovascular benefits.

So Just Say Soy!

With all these health benefits, it’s hard to say no to such a miracle food. And for those of you who say all this talk of soy conjures up thoughts of white lumps of tasteless tofu available at health food stores and Asian markets as a non-meat protein alternative for health fanatics  – not so.  Soy is for everyone who wants to reap its many benefits.  And, with so many good tasting soy food alternatives readily available today – it’s easy to incorporate soy into your diet.

Here are a few particularly tasty recommendations that seem to go over quite well, even with the most resistant soy consumer.

One of the simplest easiest ways to add soy to your diet is with a high quality soy protein shake. My recommendation is the OptiPRO S by PhytoCeutical Formulations.  Not only does it taste great and mix instantly, it’s all natural, contains no sugar and has been formulated specifically to mitigate symptoms of menopause, while protecting cardiovascular health, building bone density, preventing risk of cancer and helping with weight management.

Try using soymilk instead of cow’s milk. Ask for soymilk the next time you order your favorite coffee from the local coffee shop or try it over cereal or mixed with a soy protein powder for the added protein boost. The Silk brand has a pleasant taste, comes in a variety of flavors and is good by itself as a snack.

A handful of roasted soy nuts makes a great high protein, low carb snack.  Many brands come in an assortment of flavors from unsalted to BBQ and Hot Cajun or even sweet Apple Cinnamon. Try a few brands to see which tastes and textures best suit your fancy.

Soy Nut Butter.  If you have ever tasted it, I needn’t say more.  A delicious alternative to peanut butter, soy nut butter is high in protein, lower in fat, and safe for all those allergic to peanuts.  It’s only downfall is it’s highly addictive and the excuse you are getting your daily allowance of soy isoflavones will only work for a while.

Edamame, the steamed green soybeans popularized as an appetizer in Asian restaurants, make a wonderful snack or compliment to dinner or a salad.  They are readily available fresh or frozen, in or out of their pods.

Tofu and Tempeh are still great sources of soy protein and are now available prepared as Burgers, Dogs and meat alternatives of all kinds. My favorites are Light Life’s Gimme Lean  Sausage and Gardenburger’s frozen meals & wraps. These are particularly tasty and are enjoyed by even the finikiest, who are reluctant to try soy.

Just try adding a couple of these items into your diet, and sampling the ever growing market of great tasting soy products, and in just a short time, not only will you be reaping the health benefits, but you will be looking forward to three or four serving of soy a day.

Beat the Heat with Proper Hydration

With summer temperatures soaring to the 90 degree mark it’s more important than ever for people participating in outdoor activities to remember that nagging advice ” be sure to drink plenty of fluids”.   Whether you are running a marathon or simply cutting the grass, adequate fluid intake is essential for comfort, performance and safety. Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue, poor performance, decreased coordination, muscle cramping and even worse, the possibility of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

How much is enough?

Do not rely on thirst alone to determine when and how much to drink.  Thirst is a poor indicator of the amount of fluids you may actually need – by the time you are thirsty, you may already be well on your way to dehydration.  During just one hour of moderate exercise, you can sweat away more than a quart of water.  An easy way to determine your fluid intake needs is to weigh yourself before and after exercise.  Weight changes reflect sweat losses (sorry, that two pounds wasn’t body fat). Each pound that you have lost sweating is equal to two cups or 16 ounces of fluid that you will need to replace accordingly.  So, if you have lost two pounds of sweat during an hour of exercise, you will need to consume two pounds or 32 ounces of fluids during each hour of future exercise.  This will work out to drinking 8 ounces every 15 minutes.  Prehydration is also important in preventing dehydration.  When preparing for strenuous exercise, drink at least 16 to 20 ounces of water two hours before exercise and another 8 ounces 15 to 30 minutes just prior to the activity.

Water or sports drinks?

Just plain water is probably the most appropriate choice for casual exercise and activities that last no more than an hour.  For more intense exercise lasting longer than an hour, such as running, cycling or rollerblading, it may be advantageous to consume a sports drink or diluted fruit juice providing 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour to delay fatigue and fuel muscle contractions.  It is really not necessary to replace losses of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes since it is unlikely you will deplete your body’s stores of these minerals during normal training.

If, however, you do exercise over 5 or 6 hours or in extreme conditions, such as a marathon or triathlon, you will want to use a complex sports drink that contains both carbohydrates and electrolytes.  Athletes who don’t consume electrolytes under these conditions risk overhydration from consuming excessive amounts of electrolyte free water, causing low blood sodium concentration or hyponatremia. A tip to athletes who train with water because it’s cheap and readily available, then decide to use a sports drink for competition – experiment prior to competition. Unfamiliar sports drinks may cause upset stomach, so it’s a good idea to find which one works best for you before the big event.

It is also a good idea to choose carbohydrate rich fluids such as recovery drinks or fruit juices that replace water losses and muscle glycogen to enhance recovery after exercise.
What about beer?

Beer is often a popular postexercise “recovery drink” but the alcohol in beer has a dehydrating effect that causes you to lose valuable fluids at a time when you should be replacing them.  If you intend to drink beer, quench your thirst first with water, eat something so you aren’t drinking on an empty stomach, and then enjoy a beer or two in moderation.

What about caffeine?

Caffeine has ergogenic properties and is often used pre-exercise for that extra energy boost.  Caffeine, however, also has diuretic properties causing your body to excrete fluid instead of retaining, so it’s not the wisest choice when you’re trying to retain proper hydration.

Understanding Food Allergies

You’ve just had a delicious chocolate nut brownie and now you appear to be having a severe asthma attack.  Come to find out the nuts included peanuts, to which you are highly allergic. If this scenario sounds familiar you are likely to be one in a small group of people who suffer from a true food allergy.

A food allergy is when your immune system mistakenly identifies a food component, usually a protein, as a foreign substance that must be attacked.  The body defends itself with anti-bodies that trigger the release of histamines, causing an array of responses – such as sneezing, watery eyes, upset stomach or hives — which occur almost immediately, usually within 45 minutes, of eating the food.  With mild allergies, symptoms can range from a tingling in your mouth to a runny nose.  Severe cases can cause throat swelling, difficulty breathing or even death, unless immediate medical attention is sought.

The foods that are most highly allergic for adults are peanuts (legumes), fish, shellfish, and eggs.  Infants and young children are usually allergic to these same foods, but they are also more likely to be allergic to corn, soy, milk, wheat, and citrus.  The truth is that very few people suffer from a true allergic or immune response.  The incidence of food allergy is age related, with 80% of all food reactions occurring in the first year of life. The good news is most children outgrow these allergies by the time they are three years old.

More common, however, but often misunderstood as a food allergy, is a food sensitivity.  Food sensitivities are much harder to diagnose because they often have the same symptoms as food allergies and are often brought on by many of the same foods, it’s just the mechanism causing them that’s different.  Often the symptoms of a food sensitivity don’t appear for 12 to 48 hours after eating the food making it quite difficult to determine the offending food.  For example, you eat a food containing wheat and within an hour, a rash develops.  Immediately, you would think you’re allergic to wheat.  But, perhaps the rash is caused by the corn tortillas you might have eaten the night before.  Instead of the immediate reaction from anti-bodies like in a true food allergy, when you have a sensitivity, a different kind of delayed immune reaction happens causing things like digestion difficulty, joint pain, respiratory problems, and even low energy or difficulty concentrating.
Among the most common foods to cause this kind of reaction are milk and dairy products, products that contain wheat, yeast and corn, chemicals such as caffeine, histamines in cheeses and fermented foods, and serotonin in tomatoes and “night shade” vegetables such as eggplant.

A sub-set of food sensitivities are reactions called food intolerances, which affect the digestive system.  The most common offenders are dairy products, wheat, and certain sweeteners such as fructose, sorbitol or malitol .  The most common intolerance is lactose — or the natural sugar found in dairy products.  This intolerance is due to deficiency of the digestive enzyme lactase, necessary to digest lactose, and can cause abdominal bloating, cramping, gas, and diarrhea.

A food intolerance is the easiest of these ailments to deal with because you can probably eat the problematic food less frequently or in smaller quantities and your symptoms will probably disappear.  Or, you can take a supplement containing the enzymes that your body lacks and continue eating the offending food.  An exception to this however, would be if your intolerance is to the gluten found in wheat or other grains. To eliminate the problem, you have to eliminate the food.

If you do have a food sensitivity, one way to try to figure out the foods you react to, is to keep a food diary.  Write down what you eat and how you react to it.  Over time, you can figure out any correlation through your journal entries.  A better way is to try one of several types of elimination diets.  You can work with a nutritionist utilizing one of these diets to determine the specific foods that give you problems.

Avoidance is key – not only the offending foods, but also potential triggers. Because food sensitivities appear to be genetic, they don’t necessary manifest themselves unless the susceptibility is triggered in some way.  Some of the triggers include stress, a compromised immune system, and premature introduction to or an over consumption of the problematic foods.

There are, however, ways to reduce susceptibility and avoid foods that might cause you problems.  And, if you are truly allergic, it is imperative to avoid the offending foods at all cost, as even trace amounts may cause a severe reaction.

Learn to read food labels because many potential allergens are hidden in foods, often because they are designated on the label under different names (and in foods where you would least likely expect them).  For example “milk” appears as “casein” on the label and is often found in canned tuna to make it “chunky”, and  “binders”, and “emulsifiers” found in many processed foods are actually “egg”.  You should also take care to avoid foods that have been prepared or processed using equipment that was used to process foods that you are allergic to. This is common with many nuts and nut butters that have more than likely been in contact with the same equipment used to process peanut products.

Avoid introducing allergy-producing foods to infants and young children, because their immune and gastrointestinal systems are still developing. And don’t forget, if you are breastfeeding, you should avoid common allergens such as milk, eggs, fish and peanuts from your own diet.  When introducing solid food, start with rice and oat cereals rather than wheat, veggies, with the exception of legumes (foods in the bean and pea family, including peanuts) and non-citrus fruit juices.  Introduce new foods slowly and only one every several days so if your child does have a reaction, you will know which food caused it.  Again, most children outgrow their food allergies; however, great care should be taken when reintroducing the offending food.

The good news is, even if you do discover one of your favorite foods is causing you problems, in many cases you don’t have to give it up completely.  You may be able to tolerate it if you just eat it less frequently or in smaller portions.